facebook and google ads

Facebook Ads and Google ads

What are the benefits of creating Facebook Ads? 

  • More accurately target customers 
  • Facebook has a lot of data on its users and allows marketers to use it when targeting their audiences. 

When creating a Facebook Ad, you can specify demographics like gender, location, and age. Where Facebook really differentiates itself from other platforms with ads, though, is through lifestyle-based targeting options, like:    

  • Interests 
  • Behaviors (like recent purchases) 
  •  Education and job history 
  • Income 
  • Political affiliation 
  • Major life events 
  • Spoken languages

Google Ads

Benefits of Google AdWords

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Reach more customers through their Gmail Inbox
  • Reconnect with visitors of your website
  • Measure your performance consistently 
  • Explore more using your ads
  • Tackle your competition better 


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